Thursday, August 1, 2013

55th Biennale Venice RUSSIAN PAVILLION Danae by Vadim Zakharov

The most ironic performance of the BIENNALE of VENICE
Gold Coins, MONEY is flushing from the sky...
and it was quite pungent.

Visitors, only women were allowed in the room were welcome to
take cover under a plastic umbrella and collect gold coins...
flushing from the sky above.

YES! yuo could take one as a token...
NO! they were not made of real gold.

To complete the sarcastic tone of the "new" russian lifestile
a sophisticated gentleman was sitted on a saddle on top of this room
taking peanuts out of his poket and making crumbles of them...
The quote on the wall reads:
"Gentlemen, time has come to confess our
Rudness, Lust, Nascissism, Demagoguery, Falsehood, Banality and..."
Is this a clear message to the "nouvelle rich" of Russia ?
Very suave.
 Art, after all, is the best propaganda.